
Jake Knapp and his Design Sprint Workshop are back

Last year we invited Jake Knapp in Italy to hold the very first edition of his Design Sprint Workshop. It was a huge success, so why not do it again in order to have an even better outcome?
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Scritto da
Ilaria Mauric
Jake Knapp con un microfono parla, in piedi, tra i partecipanti dell'evento

The first edition of Design Sprint Workshop took place on June 20th 2017 and it sold out, with 105 participants and 12 countries represented. Since then, Jake has been on tour all over the world and fine tuned his workshop in order to give attendees the chance to fully understand the benefits and outcomes of Sprints.

Today, many companies and agencies tried Design Sprints in their process, from museums to airports, from insurances companies to healthcare. They have chosen Sprints to accelerate new borders of collaboration and new innovation challenges.

We believe that there is a lot more to learn from this process, this is why we decided to bring this renewed edition of Jake’s workshop back to Italy again.

So when is it going to take place? On June 25th 2018. Where? Bologna, Camplus Bononia, Italy.

A handful of tickets are left and on sale now. Grab yours before it’s too late!

Design Sprint Workshop is an event organized by Tangible. We love to share experiences and to help spreading knowledge. Here is what we’ve done in the past years:

So come and join us, we look forward to meeting you in Bologna ;)

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