
Designing for what’s next

Machine Learning, AI, IoT, Phygital, how many times have you heard talks about these topics in the last few years?
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Scritto da
Nicolò Volpato
Josh Clark con le braccia aperte mentre parla sul palco ad una conferenza

These words are becoming part of every designer’s day to day work, and are slipping into entering managers’ and entrepreneurs’ vocabularies. However, to design effectively, simply knowing a term or its definition isn’t enough.

Our goal is to design tangible experiences that leverage innovative technologies, identifying their most concrete aspects in order to have a positive impact on people’s lives. To do so, we’re studying, making mistakes and improving, constantly trying to understand, master and therefore design at the highest level. We did it in the past, trying to share the lessons we learned about the IoT world, but the amount of themes is growing, as well as the necessity to discuss and learn from the people who deal with these topics on a daily basis, on a large scale and with the most important companies.

This year we decided to invite in Italy Josh Clark, founder of Big Medium, a New York based design studio, international speaker and author of several books in this field.

Together with Josh, for next October we have planned a training journey to enhance the skills of our team, but we firmly believe that diving into these themes is important also for the community of designers and developers, and particularly for managers who are looking for effective and well-informed decisions.

Following this belief, we asked Josh to lead his workshop Designing for what’s next, for the first time in Italy, and he answered with an enthusiastic “Yes, let’s do it!”.

We worked with Josh to come up with a carefully crafted workshop, tailored for UX Designers, Interaction Designers, UI Designers, Product Designers and Product Managers. Josh will guide you to understand and seize the opportunities offered by machine-learning and its applications to daily products, learn the principles of IoT interaction and tame smart objects, explore the processes, techniques and design patterns to take advantage of Artificial Intelligence to build “magical” experiences. All this with the right mix of lectures and hands-on, practical exercises.

The workshop will be held on October 9th in Bologna, where we already hosted events with Jake Knapp, author of Design Sprint, and Jeff Gothelf, author of Lean UX. This year as well, we designed a website dedicated to the workshop, where you can find all the information and buy tickets.

Early-bird tickets are available from today. Grab yours with a 15% discount while they last. What are you waiting for? ;)