Giada Cantoni
Service & Experience Designer
As a Service and Experience Designer in Tangible my job consist in investigate and understand people’s needs and link each other to design and prototype digital services and products.

Design and research with people mean motivation, curiosity and passion. This is the reason why I love what I do.
After science degree, annoyed by numbers and physics formulas, I focused on design’s world, looking for something new that could help me to find out my way in the future. In a short time, I understood that designing, team working and facing new challenges deriving from different projects were what I wanted to do in my life.
At the end of my degree in Design of Industrial Product, I understood that I had to find something else, or rather, that I didn’t want to spend my life doing 3D model and packaging; Thus, during my thesis period, I worked on designing a museum experience focusing on user experience. During this project, I also had the chance to design my first mobile app.
Thanks to this project, I approached a world that I discovered I love so much, even if I look back now to what I have done, maybe I would completely change.
For my master degree, I was looking for something that could help me to have an open mind and to explore several projects and disciplines. This is the reason why I choose Service Design. A very wide discipline focused on people’s needs and that deal with link each other different actors and touchpoints.
Tangible was the peak of this path and I started with a stage during my last year of master. Here I find a heterogeneous and cohesive team. Indeed, everyone gives his contribute to design digital products and services in which user’s needs are always at the first place.
I like spending my free time at the seaside or on the hillside of my city with the people I love, having a pic-nic or drinking wine.

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