Giulia Cavinato
Service & Experience Designer
I’m a User Experience designer in Tangible and my job is to observe people, understand their behavior and needs to ideate, design and prototype a digital service experience that simplify their lives.

I graduated in Product Design from University of Ferrara (2014).My Thesis was about a product service experience that links personal physical activity with the improvement of public places such as parks and green trails, connection which is very often overlooked.
Thanks to this project I’ve fallen in love with the Service Design discipline, consolidating my knowledge through a period of study at the Politecnico of Milano and being part of the organizing team of the Service Design Jam Bologna 2016 (

One of the most meaningful aspects of my job is the opportunity to enhance an existing product-service experience through the discovery and the understanding of the human needs.
My propension to empathize with people is based on my studies at the Psychology department of the University of Padova which has allowed me to explore many mental processes like motivation, cognitive and relational aspects.
It gave me many tools and techniques to build relations with people for empathizing and understand their needs, frustrations, and desires, all of them useful for my job.
Based on these skills and my natural curiosity I’m an effective support for needfinding in design projects.
When I am out of office I spend my time on my two big passions: running and sculpturing.
I’m obsessed about people’s hands. I like to observe hands, taking picture of them and their gestures and sculpt the most inspirational one on clay or wood.

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