
Our commitment to promoting an ethical approach to design

In 2024, we are strengthening and renewing our commitment to spreading the culture of ethical and responsible design, actively engaging the new generations with specific training activities and strategic collaborations.

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Nicolò during a lecture at Circolo del Design in Turin. Courtesy of Circolo del Design - Credits Vittorio Iandolino.

Our dedication to ethical and responsible design strengthens year after year. Just as we did in 2023 and previous years, this year we will continue to promote processes and practices of ethical design in university classrooms, specialized schools, and beyond.
Our goal? To inspire new generations of designers to create and design with awareness and responsibility.

Instructors in UX and Business Sustainability at Talent Garden Innovation School in Milan

UI Design Master

We will repeat our presence within the UI Design Master, with an introductory lesson on User Experience design, to outline its breadth and multidisciplinarity, creating the right context and awareness to ground the skills of User Interface Design, more effective if focused through this preliminary work.

We will share our experiences with practical and theoretical lessons, thanks to which students will learn to create digital interfaces that are not only visually effective but also meet users' needs.

Business Sustainability Master

Nicolò will bring his vision and expertise to the training course dedicated to sustainability, exploring how innovation, systemic thinking, and a problem-definition approach using design tools can provide an extra edge. This workshop, included in the first module of the Master in Business Sustainability, aims to equip professionals with practical tools and a design-driven approach to support organizations through the ecological transition.

Ethical design and accessibility for in Milan

Our collaboration with in Milan continues, expanding our opportunities to contribute to training in crucial areas such as accessibility and ethical design. This year, in addition to confirming our contribution to the Advanced Training Course in User Interface Design, we will explore various possibilities for intervention, from specific teaching modules to round tables. This approach will allow us to be present in various educational formats and contexts, always to impart our expertise in a meaningful and impactful way, to help train designers who are not only technically prepared but also deeply aware of the importance of accessibility and ethics in design.

Digital accessibility in practice for the University of Macerata

Our participation in the Master AMAC (Accessibility to Media, Arts, and Culture) at the University of Macerata continues with Ilaria Mauric at the helm, bringing our testimony of how User Experience design enables companies to offer accessible and inclusive digital products and services.

Through her teaching, Ilaria will convey theoretical and practical knowledge on making media, entertainment, and arts accessible to all, demonstrating through concrete case studies their real applicability.

"Captivating and Accessible" with the University of Padua and Bologna

We will participate as sponsors and jury in the second edition of "Captivating and Accessible", an initiative that challenges the preconception that accessibility must compromise the aesthetics of a website. This competition invites computer science and computer engineering students from the Universities of Padua and Bologna to design and create websites that are not only accessible but also aesthetically pleasing and functional. An expert jury will evaluate the projects based on criteria of accessibility, design, and interaction, demonstrating that it is possible to combine aesthetics and functionality without compromise.

Supporting sustainable innovation with the third edition of the H-Greennovation hackathon

We reaffirm our support for sustainable innovation through the H-Greennovation Hackathon, now in its third edition. As mentors and sponsors, we will join other local companies to inspire and guide students in developing innovative and sustainable projects.

Collage of photos taken during various lectures by Tangiblers in 2023.

Each intervention, each lesson, and each workshop is an opportunity to impart not only technical knowledge but also ethical and responsible values. We believe that sharing our experiences, doubts, failures, and successes can inspire students to embark on conscious and committed professional paths.

For this reason, we like to leave a positive and tangible impact in every aspect of our work activity, and we are certain that these practices we have planned can provide important contributions to the entire community of students, teachers, and designers.

We are always looking for new opportunities to expand the horizons of ethical design together with students, teachers, and professionals. If the idea of collaborating with us excites you, to bring new ideas and perspectives to your educational institution, do not hesitate to contact us. Your initiative could be the next step towards a more conscious and inclusive design future.

Header Photo Courtesy of Circolo del Design - Credits Vittorio Iandolino.

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