
Behind the Scenes of "Ethics by Design": Where Innovation and Ethics Converge

We are giving you a sneak preview of our master class on how you can transform innovation with ethical principles.

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Valentina Marzola
A screenshot showing a group of people on a video call working on the "Ethics by Design" Master Class.

As we approach the event "Ethics by Design: Mastering Ethical Principles for Businesses in Transformation", we want to give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes look and reveal some juicy details.

As we were preparing this blog post, some important news came to light about the Masterclass: Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have decided to evolve the event into a full-remote experience.

This new format will allow us to be more inclusive and to welcome participants who were unable to join us in Milan due to distance. Despite the format change, the level of engagement and quality will remain at the highest level, ensuring a unique and engaging learning experience.

The core objective of "Ethics by Design" is to enrich each participant with the tools and skills needed to weave ethical principles into the DNA of their projects.

By mastering strategies for navigating the complexities of innovation and laying a solid ethical foundation at the outset of a project, participants will learn how to promote a culture of equity, sustainability and transparency. This would not only help enhance trust in the brand and boost customer loyalty but also pave the way for sustainable profits in the long term.

But to spread such a message within a company or with other colleagues, it is necessary to know the tools that can support this journey and the methods to use them.

The workshop will be held using FigJam, a Figma tool that acts as an interactive digital whiteboard, optimizing collaboration and real-time idea sharing. This tool is ideal for brainstorming, allowing participants and facilitators to interact as if they were in the same room, even if they are operating from different locations.

Thanks to FigJam, we can easily switch between collaborative work sessions and smaller group sessions, ensuring that each participant receives individual attention and guidance.

Trine, Nicolò, and all the workshop leaders will follow the different groups step by step, providing constant support and guiding the experience as if we were all in the same physical space.

An illustrative screenshot of FigJam, a Figma tool that acts as an interactive digital whiteboard.

Specifically, during the Master Class, we will immerse ourselves in a project focused on Digital Health, paying particular attention to the ethical challenges of artificial intelligence.

Starting with an initial assessment phase, where we will try to map all the existing and known parts of the project, we will then move from studying competitors to using our Radar (already used in the full version of the Ethical Compass), to identify and address potential ethical issues right from the outset.

We will then focus on the innovation phase where, given the critical issues identified in the initial assessment phase, we will try to detail the undesirable futures and the actions that would be useful to prevent them.

And what better way to start than with an inspiring keynote by Trine Falbe?

In her opening speech, Trine will guide us through the world of Ethical Design, exploring its resonances in the present and anticipating its potential future developments.

At the end of the day, we will outline a set of ethical guidelines that we hope will become a daily reference, a compass for your professional journey.

An added value will be the design kit that will be provided to the attendees. This tool, which we will use and shape during the Master Class, will then become a valuable ally for those who wish to integrate the lessons learnt into their projects immediately.

In an ever-changing world, "Ethics by Design" stands as a beacon in the design landscape, equipping each participant with forward-looking skills.

Beyond the scope of the workshop, these skills have a lasting value, guiding professionals to make conscious and ethically correct decisions as industries continue to evolve.

Thanks to Trine Falbe's expertise, coupled with Tangible's deep background, this convergence of innovation and ethics ensures a transformative experience. A fusion that aims to shape the approach of attendees towards projects.

By combining theory and practice, we hope that the event will provide professionals with insights to create ethical, sustainable, and impactful solutions.

Want to join us on this journey? Secure your place on the full-remote "Ethics by Design" Master Class and confirm your attendance.

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