
A year of Commitment and innovation told through our 2023 Impact Report

2023 was a year of significant growth and challenges for Tangible, marked by a constant focus on business efficiency and achieving growth objectives.

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Four people are engaged in a brainstorming session around a white table. They are working on canvases with diagrams and post-its.

Nicolò Volpato opens the report with a reflection on 2023, a year in which the company faced many challenges but also achieved important milestones.

Through his words, we want to introduce our 2023 Impact Report, which tells of an intense year with teams under pressure and people facing new challenges and career paths. Despite the difficulties, it was a very positive year thanks to the constant dedication of the entire company, which managed to balance pressures with unwavering dedication.

2023 was a year of increasing focus on business efficiency and performance, closely monitoring numbers and growth goals.
I saw various teams under pressure and some people exhausted, with challenging project overlaps. I saw people taking new steps in their career paths and facing new trials and problems.
I saw us partners engaged on many fronts, both entrepreneurial and operational, simultaneously, and personally felt the effort of keeping focus on important things amidst many contingencies. Besides these efforts, which generated a decidedly positive year, the following pages tell of a second type of constant and diligent commitment: a contribution from all of Tangible, from all the people who make up the company, which always found space, energy, and drive throughout the year.
I saw colleagues engage in internal activities, overcome their fears, and become teachers, bringing topics of ethical and accessible design to various universities and training institutions. They took our Ethical Compass workshops across Italy, from training places to events, organized events on work culture, spread awareness and skills in accessibility internally, worked on research and development to improve our processes, and paid attention to the impact and quality of daily work for users—people, as broadly and inclusively as possible—for whom we design.
Finally, and probably most importantly, I saw colleagues ask questions, raise doubts, seek comparisons, and speak up when team or company decisions were unclear, or when they felt a dissonance between words and actions, between intention and action.
For me, this type of collective responsibility towards the principles that unite us as a team and as a company is of great value and is the foundation from which everything you will find in this report grows.
Enjoy the read, Nicolò Volpato

Commitment to training and Ethical Design

One of the most significant aspects of 2023 was our commitment to training and promoting ethical design. Colleagues participated as teachers in universities and training institutions, spreading knowledge about accessibility and design ethics.

Together, we organized events and workshops on the Ethical Compass, promoting a work culture based on solid and inclusive principles.

Innovation and continuous improvement

We continuously worked on research and development to improve business processes, always focusing on the impact and quality of daily work. Our design approach reflects this commitment, which aims to create extended and inclusive experiences for all users.

Collective responsibility and transparency

The importance of collective responsibility and transparency in business decisions and team involvement in raising questions and doubts helped maintain coherence between intention and action, ensuring our business principles are always respected and implemented.

A person points to a yellow post-it on a wallboard covered with colorful post-its and annotations.

2023 demonstrated Tangible's resilience and innovation capacity. The impact report is not just a document recounting achievements but also represents an ongoing commitment to a sustainable and inclusive future.

We invite you to download the 2023 impact report (available only in Italian). We hope it serves as an opportunity to discover the progress and commitments we have made, as well as a moment of comparison and sharing with our entire community.

Additionally, you can consult the archive with all previous years' impact reports (only in Italian) to get a comprehensive view of our journey.

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